Services: Transforming Loss


Transforming Grief

We’re living in difficult times and grief is a normal human response to loss. Yet, too often, grief is unresolved, unfelt, stuck, buried alive—and expresses as depression or anger. Grief has a job to do in our lives, if we’ll allow it. If we refrain from shunning and resisting and numbing our grief, if we actually FEEL and integrate grief, it will become the FUEL that will revitalize us, transforming us into more embodied, empowered, and expansive versions of ourselves.But in the west, we’ve put the burden of grief on the individual, when in fact, grief is a communal experience. Our ancestors knew that when a loss happened to a member of the tribe, it affected the entire tribe.


Transforming Death

Perhaps someone you love has a terminal diagnosis. Perhaps you do.

And now, the way the western world holds death is a crushing weight in your chest: death is the end of life, death is a failure.

But is it? Our ancestors held death in a more organic and expansive way which allowed them to be as fully present for an elder’s last moments as a baby’s first moments. The way we view death matters to the dying—and to those who care for the dying.

When we partner with the physical, mental, emotional and departing processes of dying, and when we create sacred space in the room that supports those processes, the dying do better and so do their caregivers

Transforming Loss

Something painful has happened. Life may never go back to the way it was. You may never again be who you were. You’re on an emotional roller coaster, from numb or angry,… to overwhelmed or confused… then you’ll have a few good days—until a song or smell or memory brings it all back and you spiral down again, wishing it would stop.

When we suffer a loss, it’s easy to feel lost. Our lives were working and now they’re not. We’re in unfamiliar territory, dealing with painful grief.

We have to slow down, regroup, find resources. It’s easier with a guide, a mentor who has been there, someone who can help you find what wants to be birthed from the ashes of what has died.