Services and Offerings
Transforming space
Let’s create an environment that functions
optimally and fully supports your intentions!
transforming self
Let’s release resistance so you can embody
sovereignty, compassion, pleasure and power!
transforming loss
Let’s create sacred space for all that is ready to die, so that the new can be born!

Now, more than ever before, our homes and workspaces need to function optimally and feel good to us.
Even in these difficult times, life is more joyful when we honor and partner with the land we live on, the spaces we live and work in, the people we live with.
Here’s an interesting truth about transforming your environment and transforming yourself:
you can’t do one without the other happening.
If you transform your environment by de-cluttering, organizing or Feng Shui-ing, the very act of creating your ideal sacred space will transform you.
If you start by transforming yourself, clearing out old beliefs and identities and allowing the newer, greater version-of-you to come forth, you’ll soon realize that your environment needs to be up-leveled to align with your new identity.
And we can’t leave loss out of the transformation process.
Life is richer when we include loss and death in the circle of our love and attention, rather than shunning and resisting what is uncomfortable. In a life well-lived, grief and loss are meant to mature us and make us good ancestors. When we turn to face and welcome grief, when we allow loss to burn through us, we’re transformed into more compassionate, sovereign, expansive and empowered versions of ourselves.