Hi. I’m Melody LeBaron, and I love creating homes and workspaces that function optimally and feel amazing, so that my clients are supported in doing the work in the world they were born to do.
I’ve been blessed to live in 30 homes around the US and Canada. The oldest of 7 children, I worked with my mother to pack, unpack, and organize each home. We moved every few years; the one constant was “going home” to my grandparents who lived in small prairie towns in southern Alberta. I loved our trips to the Canadian Rockies and as a child, I believed that everyone felt the hum of the mountains in their body. My deep connection to nature led to a natural sensitivity to environment: early on, I realized that in some homes I felt that same peaceful, positive power that I felt outside in nature—but in other homes I sensed only stuck, stagnant, sometimes even disturbing energy.
At 12 years old, excited to babysit for other families (and get paid for my work!), I’d alphabetize the spices and canned goods after the kids were in bed; their thrilled moms booked me months in advance. As a teen, I had an innate ability to de-clutter and organize rooms, to get the life-force energy flowing again. But in my late 20s, as a mother of 3 preschoolers during a time of stress, I found myself living in a home with clutter in every room. I had to mature my skill set from “having a place for everything” to learning to create systems that grow and evolve. I made a commitment to get organized for good, and in the 45 minutes a day that all 3 kids were napping, I implemented a systems approach. In just 6 months, I’d permanently de-cluttered and organized my home and work space, my time and my life.
In 2000, I was the first professional organizer in the US to train with Australian author and Space and Personal Clearing teacher Eric Dowsett. The Space and Personal Clearing training gave me a language to understand—and tools to clear—the subtle and not-so-subtle stresses affecting us and our environments. My clients and I were getting amazing results; soon my clients requested a Space Clearing and Personal Clearing before we began the decluttering sessions, which made the process so much easier! I learned Feng Shui and 9 Star Ki (the ‘feng shui of the birthdate’), so that I could train my clients and students how to partner more effectively with their environments.
For the last 30 years, I’ve been called on to attend the dying. At 35, I midwifed my mother’s conscious death process, partnering with her room to create a peaceful environment, and creating an evolving set of altars in her room to support her moving from denial to acceptance. I’ve now midwifed the deaths of 13 of my close loved ones, and coached countless others through the dying process.
In addition, I’ve received training in…
NLP and Brain Gym (I synthesized a Retrieval Strategy System so clients will be able to find information they’ve stored)
Kundalini yoga and pranayama (moving stuck energy in the body with breath work)
Success Coaching (we all have a Path to Success; the steps to creating what you prefer are simpler than you may think!)
Priestess and High Priestess facilitation
Natural Rhythms (connecting our lives to the rhythms of nature)
Please contact me if you…
desire your home and workspace to function as your success partners, fully supporting you in offering your legacy work in the world
are ready to enjoy the process of releasing resistance and old patterns as you unleash your potential and embody your power and pleasure
you are in a time of grief and loss and need help catalyzing stuck-ness and sadness into life-force
you, or a loved one, are preparing for death and long to bring more ease and grace and consciousness into the process