Personal Clearing
What is a Personal Clearing?
A Personal Clearing is a way to release unwanted mental and emotional patterns. After their first Personal Clearing, many (including me!) experience huge, dramatic up-leveling in staging areas of their lives which had been blocked. Others experience a peaceful, steady increase in their ability to manifest their highest choices.
Each time you receive a Personal Clearing, you release another layer of ‘information’ that is not the TRUTH of who you really are. Both the person being cleared and the person clearing hold these intentions:
We hold a heart-space of love. In the presence of unconditional love,
anything other-than-love can rise to the surface and clear away.We hold a space of non-judgment. We simply refrain from judging any information that presents itself.
We hold a space of non-attachment. We refrain from resisting what “is,” nor are we attached to an outcome. Also, we refrain from identifying with, or defining ourselves by, any information that presents itself as we clear.

What clears in a Personal Clearing?
A Personal Clearing clears the body and energy field and leaves you feeling peaceful, powerful and on-purpose! Specifically, we clear:
entity attachments (which can range from other people’s disturbed emotional energy or negative thought patterns all the way to what some call ‘possession’)
imbalances and disturbances in the physical body
disturbances in the subtle bodies that surround the physical body (etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc.)
any negative emotional ‘charge’ relating to hurts, betrayals, abuse, abandonment
Is it possible to do a long-distance Personal Clearing?
Of course. Love knows no distance. A long-distance Personal Clearing takes one to two hours, depending on how much is able to be released. I charge $150 an hour, or $100 an hour if we’re doing a program. You’ll email me your intentions for the Personal Clearing, and at the appointed time, we’ll connect by phone or Zoom. You will sit or lie in a comfortable position, giving yourself permission to release all that no longer serves you. I’ll take you through several meditations, including the powerful karmic cord-cutting Forgiveness Process. Afterwards, give yourself permission to rest and drink lots of water—and notice the subtle but powerful transformation in your life!
How often do I need a Personal Clearing?
Many, including myself, notice powerful positive changes from having regular clearings. You may want to schedule a half hour Personal Clearing every week or month for a period of time. After your life begins to flow with joy, and you are flying on your own, you may only need a clearing when you hit a rough spot.