What Clients Are Saying About
Working with Melody
4 Pillars: Space Clearing, Personal Clearing, Organizing, Feng Shui
“Happiness and Freedom”
For 6 months after I moved to New York for an incredible career opportunity, I felt overwhelmed and anxious. I lacked confidence, felt unable to focus or get anything done at work—and my home life was uncomfortable too. Then I heard about Melody from one of her colleagues. After working with Melody for 5 weeks, things really shifted:
· After the Space Clearing, I was finally able to sleep well at night.
· After the Personal Clearing, the anxiety I’d been feeling dropped away
· My home and workspace are now organized and beautiful, and I’m able to focus.
· Most importantly, Melody helped me to find love and compassion for myself.
It’s been amazing to find more happiness and freedom and I thank Melody for helping me get there!”
— Erin Oglesby
“I feel the energy of my home lifting me up!”
“Recently divorced, experiencing a roller coaster of fear and mixed emotions, painfully aware of limiting patterns and beliefs, I decided to work with Melody after moving into my new home. With powerful intuition and practical information, Melody helped me clear the past and set up my new home to activate my intentions. Working with her was like having a soft place to land each week as I tapped into deeper levels of healing. After every session, I felt an increasing sense of hope, empowerment and faith. Every time I walk in the door, I feel the energy of my home lifting me up. Years later, I’m still using the practices Melody taught me.”
— Michelle Leath
“Easy and Liberating!”
“Before working with Melody, I was overwhelmed by an impending move. Devastated by the chaos and the upcoming loss of my home, my office, and my neighborhood, I felt uprooted and consumed with grief. Melody is compassionate and empathetic with a gift for creating safe spaces in which to grow and move through discomfort. She gave me tools to manage my move in an organized and grounding way. She helped me to learn how to connect with the energy of my home, something I had never consciously done. Her processes helped me grieve my loss—and made it easy and liberating to release the spaces and objects in my life that no longer served my evolving needs. Lastly, and most importantly, Melody coached me to surrender to the parts of the process beyond my control so that I could stop stay grounded during the unpredictable highs and lows of the process.”
— Amy Sedgwick, www.redtentsisters.com
“We felt a deep sense of love…”
Before our first Space Clearing, my son refused to sleep in his bedroom. When Melody dowsed his room, she found dark suicidal energy coming from the apartment upstairs. (The young man who lived in that space was on drugs.) After Melody cleared the space, we all felt different. I noticed an immediate difference in my son; afterwards he cleared the clutter in his room, organized and decorated it, and started sleeping in there. Once his space was cleared, he claimed it! A year later, after the sudden death of my sons' father, my ex-husband, I noticed that my older son was moody, irritable, and angry at every little thing. We were all arguing, blaming and criticizing each other. I asked Melody to come do some Personal Clearing for us and another Space Clearing for our home. When she started the Space Clearing, she felt my ex. With loving supportive presence, Melody helped us to connect with him. She supported us to give him (and receive from him) love, respect and forgiveness. Afterwards, we felt a deep sense of love and woke the next day with clarity and peace, able to move forward in our lives.
— Archana
I've regained my health, and my life!
I met Melody LeBaron when I was in the midst of undiagnosed Lyme disease. After my first Personal Clearing, I wasn't quite sure what had happened; it was a powerful experience! Afterwards, every little step I took to lift my energy made an improvement in my health. When Melody did a Space Clearing in my home, she found suicidal predecessor energy in one of the bedrooms. My son had used that bedroom for about a year while he was attending college and had gone into a deep depression. Shortly after he moved out, his sister moved in and also became depressed. Melody cleared the energy and the difference was amazing. With each Personal Clearing, I worked through a number of blocks and issues.
When I prepared to sell my home, I had Melody clear the house again. I had a rescued cat that I knew I could not take with me when I moved. She'd been nearly dead when I found her and had been so traumatized that she would have nothing to do with anyone but me. During the clearing, the cat walked directly up to Melody, looked her in the face and meowed in a questioning way. After Melody's clearing my cat moved herself over to the neighbor who’d offered to adopt her!
My house was on the market when Hurricane Charlie blew the tree in the front yard over and onto the roof. The damage wasn't extensive but there was still a lot of work to do. We had no power. I called Melody. She cleared for me over the phone. In the next half hour, I reached my insurance agent and was given the go-ahead for several thousand dollars worth of work. An out-of-town crew stopped to see if I wanted the tree cut up and piled at the street. Another quick call to the insurance agent and the tree was dispatched. One call to Melody and in less than an hour an overwhelming situation became a reasonable situation. Many clearings later, I've regained my health, traveled the US, and am now helping to care for my grandchildren. I'm grateful every day for the difference Melody's work has made in my life.
—Ruth Smith
“Increasing My Revenue by 100%!”
“My home literally VIBRATED WITH ALIVENESS as you finished the Space Clearing! The air felt fresher, our space was lighter. Even infrequently-used rooms were teeming with new energy. By creating a clearer flow for prosperity with your Feng Shui advice, my business has grown, increasing my revenue by 100%!
I have no doubt that your processes have made my home and life healthier, more organized, and prosperous.”
— Bonnie Salamon
Wisdom Years Coach & Facilitator
“I Enrolled 3 Awesome New Clients!”
“My desk was a perfect mess. And I had two gigantic piles — in my living room and my bedroom — of the last few boxes still unsorted from my “dissolution” (that’s what we call “divorce” in Washington). Melody pointed out to me that the boxes were stacked in sections of my home that represent career, reputation, and abundance. Uh oh. The piles were slowing down the flow of energy in those areas — not a great thing. And true: I hadn’t enrolled a new client in my private programs for a couple of months. After following Melody’s suggestions, I enrolled three new, awesome clients. Just a taste of Melody’s work helped me change things around. She was patient, kind, firm and SO generous, walking me through a process that totally honored the deeper meanings held in all my “stuff.” I got rid of the boxes: my bedroom AND my living room are both clear and peaceful, I enrolled three new, awesome clients… and the mess on my desk? I put it away every night.
— Katherine Macomber Millman
“I was blessed to have Melody’s help and guidance during both of my parents’ illness and passing. In our culture, most of us have lost the understanding of ritual and celebration as our loved ones transition from this world to the next. I was able to use the wisdom she shared to take some simple but very important steps in order to create a sacred space to help my parents transition. This allowed me to be more present and access a strength and calmness that I am not sure I would have had otherwise.”
— Julie Bowen
“$7700 in the First Month–and We’re Still Monetizing Our Clutter!”
“After my Personal Clearing, I felt an immediate shift: I was filled with clarity and energy I hadn’t felt in years. The next morning I woke up early and started clearing that clutter… I worked long and hard, slept well that night and woke early again, with energy to keep going. My husband was shocked, grateful, and relieved — his wife was back! We noticed an immediate difference in how the rooms felt after the Space Clearing; it felt like a dark fog had lifted. In the Professional Organizing Consultation, Melody gave us a step-by-step plan which we worked from to get the clutter gone. In the next month, I created over $2700 by sewing, creating and selling my beautiful clothing! And my husband started a business on Ebay, selling our “clutter.” He’s brought in over $5000 this month!”
— Meg Boendier
“More Easily Able to Let Go”
Each time Melody has done a Space Clearing or Personal Clearing for me, I'm more easily able to let go of what's not serving me and manifest my heart's desires.
— Marie Wallaker
I could not get to my computer fast enough this morning to share with you all of the things that happened since you left here Saturday evening!!! First of all, I wanted to say THANK YOU, you have absolutely changed our lives! Evidence is showing up everywhere! Our hearts are bursting with love, joy and extreme gratitude! Our whole house and property just feels lighter, brighter and so full of love and life!
Your work here has also transformed my husband’s entire being ; after your work with him, he has an immense sense of healing and inner peace that I have never witnessed in the 12 years we’ve been together. His entire presence just feels different in a way I have not experienced from him before. Formerly, he did not like to move furniture or do repairs, because he always feels like something would go wrong. Yesterday he changed the kitchen faucet without any frustration, and it went so smooth! No leaks and everything works perfect!
Here’s what Irene wrote 2 months after the Space Clearing:
We have had an overwhelming sense of peace and calmness that has remained since the clearing. One of our employees has since revealed to me that he use to feel such anxiety when he would come here and didn't know why. Now when he comes, he no longer experiences any of that.
My son now plays in his new room, the one he refused to enter before the clearing. My husband and I were already close, but we have an even deeper connection since the clearing. Our stress levels are greatly decreased. The overall energy just feels so much lighter and loving. All intentions that we set during the ceremony have all come to pass. Our family is so much happier.
· Before the recent severe storms came through, we connected with the 4 trees we chose to be our Guardians during the Space Clearing, asking for them to protect our home and land. The storms moved out much more quickly than they used to, and we didn’t even have one branch come down.
· We’ve greatly up-leveled the clients we’re serving with our business AND our income since you were here.
· We’ve rearranged furniture and put our son in the bedroom he preferred.
· I’ve spent hundreds of hours planning and then creating gardens that we love.
· We feel such a connection to the land; we can feel the land loving and blessing us!
This has been such a life altering experience in the greatest way, there are no words to describe it.
— Irene Taylor
Mess To Success Organization Program
I’ve transformed the following areas of my home:
my kitchen and pantry (now my kitchen only contains healthy food!)
· bathroom (I got rid of so many products I wasn’t using!)
· closet (I even edited my shoes!)
· workspace (I shredded so much paperwork!)
It felt wonderful to donate my extras to a friend who just moved, and to Goodwill. I loved Melody’s Feng Shui advice; it allowed me to partner with my home. Now, my furnishings reflect my values and my intentions for where I’m growing myself and my life.
As a result of all my work in Melody’s program, I’m no longer as distracted. I am more self-aware, more calm, and at peace in my home. I still have too many items that anchor “who I used to be,” so I know I’ll continue to let go and release and make room for the “new me!”
— Angela, MA
Just the Jump Start I needed!
“Before Mess to Success, my home and I were stuck—with the accumulations of several generations! Overwhelmed, I tried to get rid of clutter, yet could do no more than pick an item up, look at it, and put it right back where it had been. Melody’s Mess to Success program was just the jump start I needed! The audios and materials gave me clarity — I finally knew what to do with the piles of paper! I was filled with energy as I sorted through my accumulations of clothes, memorabilia and files. My living room and closets never looked so good!”
— Linda Meisel
“A Giant Leap!”
I’m still listening to the calls and integrating the invaluable guidance Melody offers in her Mess to Success program. I’m making even more progress in organizing our home. What I truly love is that Melody is a mom herself and she has compassion for her clients who are a few steps behind her on that path. She understands that life with young kids can’t always be absolutely squeaky-clean but she gave me permission to unburden myself and our home of lots of stuff I thought I had to keep. Not only do I now have strategies and compelling reasons for relieving our household of a large portion of art projects and school assignments, I also have tools to teach my children how to celebrate their past—while positioning themselves for the future! I’ve taken a giant leap toward creating even more beauty in our home!
— Ann
“Greater Ease and Delight”
“I wanted to let you know what a profound change your Mess to Success program has been making in my life. Before, I felt overwhelmed every time I walked into the rooms that needed de-cluttering. The audios gave me a completely new perspective: I shifted from seeing what I don't prefer in each space, to experiencing what I love. I went from disliking my home office to deeply appreciating it, and from focusing on all that was wrong with my outdoor area to focusing on its beauty. I’ve been easily and happily clearing my house, a bit every day. And because of the greater ease and delight I feel when I look around my space now, everything else is flowing better too. I'm now motivated to DO the de-cluttering and I've already cleared so much. I'm determined to keep going until it's all done!”
—Terri Hendrickson Landey
“I Deliberately Chose to Move Forward”
Before doing Melody's Mess to Success program, I felt overwhelmed and frustrated. My living room has always been my beautiful "sacred space" but in the last few years of stress, it had gotten completely messy. Too embarrassed to have anyone over, I was angry myself for letting it get that bad. After the first audio, I was able to release judgment and just accept my situation. I deliberately chose to move forward from this point, and immediately started tossing items I no longer needed. Melody's program motivated me to remove from the living room items that needed to be used (or sorted) elsewhere in the home. I finished the living room by containing items I wanted to keep in attractive baskets.
—Dawn Ranagan
“I’m the Keeper of the Stories”
Even though I’ve decluttered many times, your program gave me new ideas and inspirations. I was especially grateful for your tips on memorabilia and things from our loved ones who have passed on. I fit your definition of a “stone” person: I am the keeper of the stories, photos, histories and memorabilia in our family. Now I know what to do with all of those precious items!
—Jeanne Schmitt
“Your Program Works Wonders!”
Before: We have so little storage and the basement is huge, so we resorted to storing things there. Quickly it became a mess, and takes a huge effort to clean. This is most annoying: no matter how often I tidy, it keeps filling up quickly. It takes effort… and often I give up halfway through.
Week 1:
I appreciate how you deliver your knowledge! This program helped me to get into the process of clearing my home, mind and probably even my soul. Ever since I started this program, I’m more organized and have less adverse feelings about getting things in order and – most importantly – keeping things this way.
Week 2:
I squeezed in two de-cluttering sessions (listening to the audios as I went along, which really motivated me). I have never gotten so much done in such a short time!! That was really amazing. I feel calm and happy in the basement, going through the sorting process. I think your work is wonderful. I feel my energy is better and the space is, too!
After Week 5:
Your program works wonders! During last five weeks, I didn’t devote a lot of time time to de-cluttering, yet the results are amazing!!! I’ve tossed and donated so much. I got more done in an extremely short period of time than in the last ten years! Now that I know how to create Sustainable Systems I’m actually looking forward to sorting the remaining papers!
— Silke, Munich
“I feel a great load lifted!”
After taking your Mess to Success program, I tossed and donated so much! I feel a great load lifted from my heart and spirit from just cleaning up this room!
— Dawn, MN
“I’m actually enjoying doing it!”
More than anything your program calmed and reassured me and got me internally motivated to clear clutter.
Even better, I don’t feel pressure to totally redo my home, I really like feeling that I can just focus on clearing out my old financial papers, and then make a choice about what to do next from there. I spent hours shredding papers, and actually really enjoyed doing it, instead of suffering through it. I’ve found it easy to spontaneously say to myself, I have an hour, let me do some shredding. And while I am still in the middle of this, I am really looking forward to how my office will feel with all this paper moved out.
This program helped me accept myself and accept my home the way it is. It took some of the shame and urgency out of the whole thing. I loved learning about my style of accessing information and your ideas on how to think through creating a new space.
— Isabel, NM
“An Inspiring Course!”
Thank you, Melody, for an inspiring course! As I listened to the audios and read the workbook, things started to change. I organized our first floor and gave it a much-needed deep clean. Furniture was moved for better flow; alters were set up to activate our intentions.The biggest de-cluttering happened in my head! For years, I’ve felt ready to leave my current job, but unclear how to make that happen. During this course, the clarity came, which was very empowering. Now, I’ll be doing what I love, and I’m confident our space will continue to transform.
— Amy, NH
“Even the way I think is changing!”
In this program, I’m getting rid of what no longer serves me. It is really cool, because I feel like I am really changing as a person and I've noticed that even the way I think has been changing as I choose to live intentionally and deliberately choose the things I want in my life.
— Heidi Checketts
Relationship Program Stories
“I went from feeling like a victim to feeling completely empowered!”
When I think back to the months before working with Melody, I can’t believe how bad it was. I was feeling utterly crushed under a huge, dark cloud, unable to pull myself together. I cried every day. I was terrified to be alone in my own home. I couldn’t work through the things going on in my personal life (my parents getting a divorce, my sister’s and father’s drug and alcohol addictions, my daughter’s behavioral issues and my husband’s callousness). After our Space Clearing and 2 Personal Clearing sessions with Melody, the clouds lifted, and then some. I’ll never forget the euphoria I felt after the first Personal Clearing session. I suddenly saw everything with new eyes. Melody taught me how to free myself from the darkness, and I went from feeling like a victim to feeling completely empowered. My burdens were stripped away and I experienced a mental clarity that I hadn’t felt in years.
My relationships with my daughter and husband improved dramatically!
I used to dread every day, and now I relish in all that the day brings. It used to be that the few times my husband and I talked to each other during the week were barking matches, and now there is a tenderness and sensitivity that hasn’t existed between us in years. I can’t thank Melody enough for all she has given us. It’s a brand new life. A fresh start. I am so grateful.
— LR, Connecticut
“We utilize, daily, what we have learned from our work with Melody. We are so grateful we invested in our relationship!”
“Before doing Melody’s Relationship Program, we were committed to one another — however, we just didn’t know how to ignite the JOY we knew was possible. In that first week, shifts began. After each session, we each felt a change in ourselves — and noticed the emotional changes in each other. We gained fluidity accessing our needs and expressing them more directly with each other — and with others, even at work!
Our relationship is now JOYful. And when a crisis occurs, it is just an opportunity to seek solutions, rather than lose control. We feel less pressured by daily obligations, but we’re getting everything done in a timely, completed manner. This “up-leveling” has been fun to experience. Our home feels settled, inviting and embraces us more completely. We both feel a deep sense of peace and stability in our home.We utilize, daily, what we have learned from our work with Melody. We are so grateful we invested in our relationship!”
— Nancy and Rose
“The work has nudged me to seeing how my defenses have been not protecting me, but preventing me.”
In the past, my relationships have run from utter disasters to borderline emotional abuse to icky. After Melody’s Relationship Program, it occurs to me that I could find someone, maybe just maybe, who could be like one of my many friends. Someone whom I could trust and respect and who would feel likewise about me. The work we’ve done has gotten me to create a thoughtful and joy-filled artifact (okay, you call them altars, but that seems like such a serious term) in every room. Every time I see one, I smile. This has made me a much more cheerful person, and I was pretty happy to begin with, so it’s all good.The work has nudged me to seeing how my defenses have been not protecting me, but preventing me. Preventing me from daring, from trying, from experiencing another person in my life.”
— Heidi Mayor
Transforming Death and Loss Stories
“I am Prepared”
“I am so grateful for Melody; the coaching work we did has allowed me to focus on my legacy work in the world, and face my cancer journey and my dying process without fear, in a way that’s aligned with my values. I am prepared. I am ready. I am grateful.”
— Christina Wright-Lonheim
"Melody and I worked together in her grief program for nearly nine months. At the beginning of our time together I was 14 months into widowhood and found myself fumbling my way through my days and feeling insecure in ways I hadn’t experienced before. I’d been single and married over the course of my adult life but being a widow felt wholly different and confusing. Perhaps it was in combination with menopause that I faced this “not knowing” what my life was supposed to look like. Melody offered a structure, companionship, wisdom, and empathy as we ventured through each meeting. Although our sessions never felt like therapy, each session was therapeutic. Throughout our time together, I felt as if I had a cheerleader who could recognize my accomplishments and guide me to see situations with new perspective. Somewhere along the way I regained my confidence in my purpose and appreciation for how my life was and is unfolding beautifully and miraculously.”
— LR