Altered States: Set Up An Altar for New Moon Activation

Times of harvest and Thanksgiving leave us yearning for deeper meaning in our lives. With these timings come an opportunity for altered states. To activate your connection with the divine, it may be time to set up an altar.

Many of us have seen altars in churches and temples. Without needing to be told, we somehow know that the items on the altar are visible symbols of our connection with the divine. As westerners, may not have grown up with the tradition of creating home altars or shrines. But most of us have created what one of my teachers, Denise Linn, calls the “subliminal altar:”

A subliminal altar is an artful grouping of photos, a deliberate arrangement of items on a dresser, desk, coffee table or end table, or hung on the wall. It can be a little bit like intentional scrapbooking in 3D!

Do you have a subliminal altar? Feel free to share a photo.

How does setting up a home altar benefit you?

A home altar is a tangible place where we can visibly express our beliefs, our values, our joys, and our intentions. We can use our altar to

  • celebrate holidays and the passing of the seasons

  • honor life’s transitions (births, baptisms, graduations, weddings, deaths)

  • grieve our losses

  • memorialize our ancestors

  • celebrate the children in our lives

  • remind us of our connection to the divine, to nature, to all of life

  • anchor our intentions for our future growth

  • create a haven of safety and protection

  • give gratitude for our blessings

  • serve as a focal point for healing energy

If you have an idea for a home altar that would support your intentions, I encourage you to move forward with creating a space that feels right to you.

Where can an altar be placed for best outcomes?

Any space can be made into an altar: a fireplace hearth, a shelf, the top of a table, desk, or dresser, a wall. I have frequently seen a shelf in a closet turned into a lovely altar. What do you have in mind? Chances are, it’s the perfect spot. An altar to activate your intentions can be created anyplace you choose, but the most powerful place to create an altar is in the Abundance area of your home. In Feng Shui, we anchor abundance in the far left corner of your home from the front door.

How to Create An Abundance Altar

For this altar, we’re going to use the correspondences drawn from Feng Shui.

First, you will need something wooden, such as a picture frame, wooden bowl, or box, on your altar.

Second, depictions of trees empower this area even more. Choose a powerful image for your altar, one that gives you the body sense of having, being, doing, or enjoying the process of achieving your intentions.

I chose the Tree of Life because my work with clients allows them a deeper, more nourishing relationship with Mother Earth, the land they live on, the homes they live in, those they live with, and with themselves.

Third, place on your Abundance Altar the written intentions you are now working to manifest. Consciously surrender your intention to the Divine.

Last, take a moment to rest in a state of knowing that your intention is coming to you.

How Your Altar Supports Your Manifestation Ability

What next? Simply, you go about your business, taking aligned action. Do this without worrying about when or how your intention will manifest. Trust that your success is coming. Every time you look at your altar, it will evoke a state of excitement, gratitude, and joy. As you see your altars on a daily basis, allow them to alter and up-level your mood. Your altars remind you of your future!

Creating altars opens a portal, an access point, to the Divine. Your intention and activation will call down the unseen powers of heaven and call forth all forms of support. What does this look like? You may

  • receive dreams or flashes of intuition that point you in a direction

  • meet people who can help you. Be aware of and grateful for all synchronicity

  • call on your Guardian Angel and Spirit Guides, the Goddesses or Archetypes

  • set monthly and weekly goals that move you toward creating your intentions

Every time you see your Altar/s, allow yourself to know that your home is partnering with you. Your home altar is “holding the space” for unseen support to flow to you.

Renew Your Altar and Intentions At the New Moon

To keep your Altars working for you, you need to attend to them at least monthly. This means directing your attention to them, remembering the intentions they are holding, and renewing your body-sense of activating those intentions.

A monthly new moon ritual is a good time to pay special attention to your altars. The elements offer specific, simple ways you can energize your altar as sacred space and refocus your intentions.

  • Mist them with a room mist to invoke the Water Element

  • Place a pinch of sea salt on them to invoke the Earth Element

  • Light a candle to invoke the Fire Element

  • Burn some sage or incense to invoke the Air Element

  • Speak your intentions aloud to the Divine.

As you ask for support, thank the Spirit of Your Home, remember to give thanks for its ability to partner with you as you create the life you prefer.

Melody LeBaronSpace, Home Altar